The LWD — Little White Dress

Bottega Veneta SS10
Yes, ladies! It’s finally happened! I’ve been campaigning for years for the magnificent and often overlooked wardrobe staple join the ranks of its better known dark little cousin — the Little White Dress is here! Well, at least it will be, come Spring/Summer 2010. At long last, women everywhere will know of its magical powers to become a simple go-to that makes you instantly sparkle, look more tanned and will go easily with everything! Be warned, though, that it must not be too short nor too long, but the same rings true for the LBD. We’ll take all shades of shoe-pairings with it, too — eeps — I speak too soon. You MUST NOT wear this with white shoes, or you hazard looking bridal. Cream, fine. Nude, better. Black and anything else is great. Unless you’re walking up an aisle in it, keep the dress looking angelic and the shoes asking for a safe word. Wink, wink.