Cinderella and the mice
Every celebrity worth her salt these days employs the fastidious and learned eye of a professional stylist for all functions of importance, no? Of course! This, however, dear boys and girls, is no new happenstance. In fact, I would like to point out that the magic wielded by stylists of today doesn’t stretch far from the happy history of these miracle-workers, and the proof is in the Disney footage. From Sleeping Beauty to Cinderella, neither walked the red carpet to their life-changing events without the help of some Fairy Style-mothers. But, lest we forget the workers who made the looks possible. Where would Miss C be without her sewing little mice? Exactly. So, when I happened upon these two shoe specimens on display at David’s on Bloor St., well, it kinda made me think of Cinderella and her little grey helpers. My sister fell in love with these little Marc by Marc Jacobs mouse flats in patent croc-embossed leather, and I , promptly held my heart as my gaze fell onto these signature bow d’Orsay peep toe heels from Valentino! Could it be? Could such perfect shoes exist? Try them on? No, no….I couldn’t! Could I? Did I? I did. And from the moment my foot slipped securely into the red shiny slipper, I knew exactly how Cinderella felt. Followed immediately by “hey, if she could run in one shoe, so can I!” Of course, I didn’t make a run for it, but proceeded to admire my feet in the mirror for the next hour and a half.